Troll Dolls Wiki

Trash Can Trolls was a series of trading cards produced by the Topps company.

The series was part of the Garbage Pail Kids collection in 1992 and were not a official Good Luck Trolls product.


Generic Eric

Generic Eric, this is considered one of the "tamer" cards as it contains no gross out humour or upsetting designs

The card series followed the Garbage Pail Kids concept of being a gross-out humour card series. Each card featured a Troll with one of two variant names. The cards were a dig at the Troll Doll design and poked fun at their otherwise innocent nature. On the back of the cards was then a detailed written parody of a commercial.

Due to the nature of the cards, they were aimed at kids but contained examples of physical harming, bodily liquids such as vomiting being used and generally ugly or unsettling designs.

Only one series was ever produced.

Like the Garabage Pail Kids, the Trash Can Trolls were banned in many schools.


  • There may have been several references to these cards in the DreamWorks Trolls franchise. For example, Satin and Chenille's design may be a reference to 'Unseparated at Beth'/'Siamese Louise'. This is due to a combination of their hair colors (especially in concept art) and the way they are joined. References to these cards are not confirmed and are unlikely to be confirmed.