Troll Dolls Wiki

Stone Protectors was a short animation produced by "Family Home Entertainment" or "F.H.E.", who also produced The Norfin Adventures.

Unlike the Norfin Adventures, Stone Protectors is not an official Good Luck Trolls.



Stone Protectors toy of "Chester"

The short lived series was inspired by the Troll Doll craze and was a confirmed attempt to cash in on the dolls popularity. The Stone Protectors were aimed at boys and followed similar ideas to the Teenage Mutant ninja Turtles in style and formula. The short series centered around a failed glam/punk rock band, who after discovering some powerful gems were transformed into superheroes known as "The Stone Protectors". A total of 13 episodes were created for the series and it is the only counterfeit series to have ever seen any commercial success. The main villain of the show was a evil bad guy named "Zok" who lead the "Predators" against the Stone Protectors.

In addition to a series, a game for the SNES and SEGA Genesis was released, alongside a toyline. The toys had a body style loosely based upon common body design and featured a male character with muscles, the main feature of the toy was a "gem" in the center of the chest which flashed to signal the gem was active. There was also a board game based upon the characters called "Stone Protectors Battle against Zok!".


The Stone Protectors;

  • Cornelius the Samurai - was the lead singer and based upon a samurai. He hailed from Japan.
  • Maxwell the accelerator - was the lead guitarist of the group and a roller skater
  • Clifford the Rock Climber - was the drummer of the band and as his name suggested was a expert at scaling cliffs and walls
  • Angus the Solider - was the keyboardist of the group, and a expert fighter. Angus has a European accent.
  • Chester the Wrestler - Chester was the bass guitarist but also plays the saxophone and was a wrestler


  • Zok the Evil Leader - was the main bad guy oft he series
  • Zink the horrible Hatchetman - Zok's main champion and right hand man, as his name suggests he mainly fights with a hatchet.


  • Robot Chicken created an episode known as "Stone Protectors Wedding Band".
  • Since punk and glam rock was known for its wild hair that was either big or stuck up in spikes or a mohawk, the groups hair naturally fit in with the generic Troll Doll design Russ had created.